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Live Simply

We are delighted to share that Our Lady and Saint Benedict Catholic Academy have achieved the Live Simply Award. This award is part of our transformational journey, showing us standing in solidariity with our global family and being active stewards of God’s creation. 

Our report said : " It has been a pleasure to hear about your faith inspired actions, demonstrating how you have been living simply, sustainably, and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities. This is a fantastic achievement, and we warmly congratulate you, your pupils, and your staff team.  Thank you for your involvement and success in the LiveSimply Award, it truly demonstrates your commitment to LiveSimply as a vital part of the Catholic life and mission of your school. "

The LiveSimply award is an opportunity for Catholic communities – to answer the call for us to care for our common home and stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers around the world.

The bishops of England and Wales have encouraged all parishes and schools to work towards the award as a way of “protecting this world which God has entrusted to us”.

The LiveSimply award is a scheme for communities and schools who can show how they have been living:

  • simply

  • sustainably with creation

  • in solidarity with people living in poverty.

The award celebrates what you have already done and inspires you to do more. It helps your community live, not just more simply, but also more fully. For Further information on Live simply please follow this link : Live Simply


For further work in the school to support our Live Simply Mission please follow the link below :
